ISP International honors all individuals' innate desire to be seen, heard, and accepted. It is with this core belief that our team is able to support holistic restoration within organizations and communities at large. Effective restorative justice initiatives move from the "thinking space" to the "feeling space" in order to collectively repair cultural ruptures and usher in a healthier environment for all to thrive. Central to restorative justice is its roots to indigenous restorative healing practices focused on the lived experiences of oneself, community and environment.
To improve Restorative Justice Outcomes at the organizational level, ISP International offers:
Restorative Justice Healing Circles for Black, Indigenous, and/or Communities of Color (BIPOC)
Psychologically-Informed Mediation Services
Leadership Learning Series for Emerging BIPOC Leaders
Development and Facilitation of Organization-based Listening Sessions with Senior Leaders and Staff
ISP International's Signature Powerful Voice 360 Training Course targeting community feedback and effective multilateral communication within an organization